Tel : 07879 811967
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Enquiries and orders - please email or call 07879 811967
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cleaned, scorched. £50.
one only.
cleaned, scorched. £40.
one only.
Looking for a lovely gift experience or want to start Beekeeping?
We'll look through a hive observing the female workers bringing in pollen, the male drones lolling about and hopefully see our Queen laying an egg. Set your senses on alert to the smell, warmth, sound and feel of our bees.
2 hours in a beesuit helping me look through a colony with lots of chat.
£55 for one person, £90 for two people.
May-September, email or call
Has your enthusiasm for your lovely hobby dipped?
Did you have a tricky season in 2024? Me too! Too many swarms? Too cold, hot, wet, yep. Have you lost confidence as grumpy bees gave you too many stings or returning to beekeeping after a break?
We'll look at your bees together or mine if you prefer. We'll work out what's going on giving you lots of top tips to give you confidence and bring the joy back into of the privilege of keeping bees.
£50 for 2 hours
Buy starter kit bundles, advice is free.
Complete Hives, Hive Parts, Suits, Tools, Smokers, Varroa treatments, Jars and Lids
You've started and want to learn more, need a refresher or want help with your bees?
Honey from my bees within a few miles of my home.
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